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What Is LMS ?

An LMS is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement, and evaluate a specific learning process. It is used for eLearning practitioners and in its most common form consists of two elements: a server that performs the basic functionality and a user interface that is served by teachers, students and administrators.

A learning management system typically provides a way for the instructor to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and evaluate student performance. A learning management system can also provide students with the ability
to use interactive features such as threaded discussions, video conferencing, and discussion forums.LMS systems are often used by businesses of all sizes, national government agencies, local governments, traditional educational institutions, and online/eLearning-based institutions. Systems can improve traditional training methods while saving organizations time and money. An efficient system will enable instructors and administrators to effectively manage elements such as user registration, content, calendars, user access, communications, certifications, and notifications.
The Advanced Distance Learning Group, sponsored by the United States Department of Defense, has created a set of specifications called the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) to promote the standardization of learning management systems.LMSs benefit a wide variety of organizations, including higher
education institutions and corporations. The primary use of a learning management system is for knowledge management . refers to the collection, organization, sharing, and analysis of an organization’s knowledge in terms of resources, documents, and people skills. However, the specific role of an LMS will vary depending on the organization’s training strategy and goals.
Some popular LMSs used by educational institutions include Moodle, Blackboard Learn, and Schoology. Popular enterprise-level LMSs include Adobe Captivate Prime, Docebo LMS, TalentLMS, iSpring Learn, and eFront. Employee training and onboarding is one of the most common use cases for an LMS in a business environment. In this case, the LMS is used to train new employees by providing opportunities to access training materials
on multiple devices. New hires can be recognized when they add their own knowledge and feedback, which in turn helps employers understand how effective the training courses are and identify areas where new hires need more help.
LMS can also be used for extended corporate training purposes. This includes training customers, partners and members. Customer training is common in software and technology companies where users need to be taught how a system works before theycan use a new product. Providing ongoing customer training will also help improve the customer experience and increase brand loyalty.
Another common use of LMS in the corporate environment is employee development and retention. An LMS can be used to assign the necessary courses to current employees to ensure they develop effective job skills, stay abreast of product changes, and maintain relevant knowledge through new product and compliance training.